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For what shall it profit a man, if he gains the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul?

For those who need God`s help, we are happy to see you at our group meetings. Find a new purpose in life, start a new path by taking His Word and transforming it into the light that will lead you through the darkest times. Join our community for more information and become a member to share your experience with others. You may feel weak today, but God calls you strong. Call on the Lord at the moment of distress. Our church is open for you.

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Why People Come

Hna. Alexandra Figueroa

Nuestra Hermana Alexandra Figueroa trabaja en el Oriente Ecuatoriano (Canelos) y nos comparte en esta fotografía su alegría de ir en canoa y visitar los lugares más olvidados.

Hna. Alexandra Figueroa

Hna. Mabel Vaque

Las Teresitas también estamos presentes en la Educación de nuestros niños y jóvenes. La Hna Mabel Vaque presta su servicio Misionero como Rectora de la UESTE en Santa Rosa de el Oro – Ecuador.

Hna. Mabel Vaque

Hna. Rosario Cabrera

Nuestras Hermanas Charito, Catherine y Yeneida cada día construyendo una comunidad fraterna y misionera en Barsaloi-Kenia. Nos envían sus saludos y animan a las jóvenes a seguir a Jesús.

Hna. Rosario Cabrera

Upcoming Events

“La vida es un instante entre dos eternidades” ST

30 abril, 2021 09:30-20 mayo, 2021 22:00 Congregación
Working with children is a huge part of our family ministry. Reaching out to families who live by biblical principles for life and relationships lets them engage children into discipleship easily. We want parents to feel confident in raising their children according to God's Word. Participate in our family ministries and see how fun and educating our programs are, and why kids actually want to learn the Gospel. Counseling course is also available

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